This week Milan turned 4 months. She had her 4 month appointment with her pediatrician on Tuesday and all is well. Her weight is 11 lbs 9 ounces (10th percentile), her height is 23.75 inches (30th percentile) and her head circumference is 16 inches (40th percentile). I was a little worried about her weight but as the doctor pointed out, she has always been in the lower percentiles, so there is really nothing to worry about. Milan is just going to be a little peanut!
For her 4 month birthday present, Milan received a bumbo seat, and like everything else we have purchased for her, she hated it!
Now that she's had it for nearly a week, she's slowly grown used to the idea of least she will sit in it for a few minutes at a time.
This week was also the first week Milan began to sleep in her nursery at night. The first night did not go so well, she was up every hour until I finally moved her back into our room around 4:30 am. I waited a couple of days before trying again and did a few things differently including making a little "nest" in her crib. It worked like magic! Milan slept in her room 9 hrs straight! The next night was a repeat of the night before. She usually wakes up between 4-5 am and after feeding her, I put her into her bassinet next to our bed. I admit, it's a little hard for Mommy to let go.....
Getting ready to take a nap in her crib - she's watching her crib toy.
The nest Mommy created for Milan to sleep in. She loves it!
Milan enjoying her crib toy