Wednesday, April 14, 2010

3 Months Old & A Potty Training Update

Recently, it's gotten pretty hectic in our household. In addition to the everyday mechanics of trying to raise two young children, Milan was hospitalized over Easter due to reactive airway disease. The doctors are not sure if this was an isolated incident or the beginnings of what could eventually become a diagnosis of asthma, but for now she is feeling much better.

I can hardly believe it, but Paloma turned 3 months old today. She is full of smiles and becoming more and more vocal each day. She hasn't officially laughed, but I expect that to happen any day now. I know she finds her Mommy's antics pretty amusing, and won't be able to hold her laugh in much longer.

In other news.....Milan is officially potty training! We are on day number 5. Days 1-3 were really rough (for me and the carpets), but she stayed dry all day yesterday and so far the first half of today! Getting her poopy in the potty is proving to be a little more difficult, but I won't go into all of those details! :)

She is SO proud of her Elmo underwear!

Just a few recent random photos.....

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Family Visit

Last week my sister Catherine and her daughter Jenna were here for a visit. Not only were Milan (who adores Jenna) and Jenna reunited, but they also met Paloma for the first time. We had a wonderful week, but feel sad at how quickly it went by.