Friday, December 23, 2011

The Gift

Made by Milan in preschool.  She had such a proud look on her face when she gave it to me, it made me cry.  She'd been talking about making a snowman for a few weeks, but I had no idea just how sweet it would be.  It's not even Christmas, but I know I've already received my favorite gift!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Picture With Santa 2011

Do you think something doesn't seem quite right with this picture?  Perhaps you've noticed my oldest child is missing?  After waiting in  line for 30 minutes, Milan bailed on Santa.  Flat out refused to go near him.  Which was kind of funny because she spent the entire 30 minutes we were in line-- waving to him, pointing at him, clapping her hands and jumping up and down with glee.  Paloma wasn't exactly thrilled, but she tolerated it.  James and I were disappointed to have Milan missing from the picture, but we're already laughing about it!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Daddy's Little Helpers

Enough said!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Oh Christmas Tree...

Last week we put up our big tree.  Today we put up a special little tree for Milan and Paloma.  It is small, has colored lights, and is covered with plastic and felt ornaments.  The idea behind this tree, is they are allowed to touch and move around (to their hearts content) the ornaments.  Hopefully they won't be so obsessed with the main tree, and I won't feel so bad saying "no, you can't touch that"!  They had a great time decorating their tree, and spent a good part of they day hanging and re-hanging the ornaments.