Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Big Girl Room

A few weeks before Milan turned 3, we decided it was time to turn her nursery into a "big girl" room.  We got rid of the changing table, converted her crib to a toddler bed, put away some of the baby things, purchased a few new accessories, created some art, and came up with a room Milan is really excited about.  She's been wanting to show her Grandma and Grandpa.....so here it is! 

Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving...Family of Four Style

Paloma starting to fall asleep in her saucer. I guess watching Mommy cook isn't very exciting.

Milan staying busy while Mommy prepares Thanksgiving dinner.

Our first snow of the season. Just a light dusting, but still pretty.

Our bone-in turkey breast. Nice not having to deal with the whole bird.

Mmmm...not a bad spread if I do say so myself!

Milan was all about the olives, but after licking each one, removed them from her plate.

Milan posing with and re-arranging our centerpiece.

Paloma slept during dinner, but she still enjoyed a festive meal.

We spent the afternoon playing with puzzles.

Mommy enjoyed a little wine. :)

Still doing puzzles. The same TWO puzzles.


Paloma in the middle of the action.

We ended the day by watching Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

3rd Birthday Celebration - Part II

Yesterday, Milan's classmates celebrated her birthday with a fashion themed birthday party.

Funny faces

Milan and her BFF, Olivia

Milan walking "the runway" in a Snow White costume for the fashion show

Striking a pose

Taking a bow at the end of the show

Dancing on the runway

Milan listening to her friends sing "Happy Birthday"

Milan and her present

It wouldn't be a fashion themed party without sunglasses!

Milan and her fashion statement - wearing her glasses upside down.