Sunday, November 14, 2010

10 Months Old

She can stand unassisted for brief periods of time, I think she will begin walking sometime this month. She loves playing with Milan's toys. She is not at all interested in stage three or table foods. She says mama, dada, and baba. She tries to mimic Milan singing Jingle Bells. She's a little snuggler and has recently started snuggling her blanket. She loves to hangout under tables. She likes books and enjoys being read to. She always falls asleep in the car. She likes to be outside. She LOVES to take a bath. She becomes very excited whenever she hears her Daddy's voice on speaker phone. She loves exploring. Currently, her favorite activity is pulling books off of bookshelves!

She's very sweet and such a pleasure to be around. I'm so proud to call myself her Mother.