Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday

Today you are three years old and I can hardly believe it. What a bittersweet day it is for your Mommy. Part of me is sad at how quickly you are changing, but in other ways it is exciting for me to witness all of those changes, and watch you learn and grow. You are such a fun, sweet little girl. You wake up happy each and every day. You are always excited to see Mommy, Daddy and your baby sister, Paloma. You love to read and do puzzles. You play with your babies and kitchen, daily. You love to draw and play with play-doh. You love to go to school, especially to play with your friend, Olivia. You love to take a bath, but not a shower. You always insist on "one" more story. You like to ride your trike and collect rocks. You like to kick a ball and have Daddy help you climb trees. You love fruit, but not vegetables. You love to sing and dance. You suck your thumb when you are uncertain or tired. You still sleep with a lovey and your baby blanket. You are very particular about which stuffed animals or babies sleep in your bed. You like to get into Mommy's "stuff". You especially love to sing "ABC's". You can count to 20. You know your colors. You can recognize and name certain shapes and letters. You are always very concerned when you think we are hurt or sad. You randomly tell us you love us. You are a special little girl and we love you so very much.

Happy Birthday my sweet girl!