Thursday, December 6, 2007

Our First Week Home

This new family of three could not wait to be discharged from the hospital. When we finally received the go ahead, it was a SLOW drive home...the new Dad was very nervous driving his baby girl to her new home. In the end we finally made it, brought in all of our belongings (including the baby), and just stared at each other...wondering what to do next.

What do we do with this new creature, our daughter?

The first week home was joyous, fun, and nerve wracking! A few times Milan gaged on mucous that she was still bringing up from the delivery. The first evening home she started to choke on it and turned a deep shade of purple. After I managed to suction it out, I totally broke down in scared me to death!

We spent a lot of time taking her picture (of course)!

Probably the biggest obstacle of the first week, was trying to breast feed. Between the extremely sore nipples, and my fear of starving my child (my milk was late coming in), it was all I could do to walk by the little formula bottles from the hospital without breaking down and giving her one. I think I thought about quitting breastfeeding 50 times a day, EVERY day!

Thanksgiving Day was spent with Uncle Kenny, Aunt Sherie, and Cousin Vincent. Milan slept through the entire day, missing her very first Thanksgiving. Gotta love her First Thanksgiving outfit, though!