Monday, June 9, 2008

Week 27 - Working Towards Milestones

Milan has been busy working towards a few milestones.  Recently she finally figured out how to roll from her back to her belly.  Unfortunately, she isn't as excited as we are about this accomplishment.  She tends to become quite frustrated when it happens.  For several weeks now, Milan has been chewing on anything and everything, but so far no teeth have appeared.  Her gums seem to be quite swollen so we are expecting a tooth to show up any day!  She isn't sitting up on her own yet, but we practice often and just in the last two days I've noticed she appears to be a little more steady and sitting up on her own for a few moments before falling over.  I suspect in a few more weeks she will have this down too!

Milan continues to eat a little cereal every morning.  She seems to prefer the oatmeal to the rice.  In the evenings she has a vegetable for dinner.  So far she enjoys every vegetable I have offered her - carrots, sweet potatoes, peas and green beans.  Soon I will begin to offer fruit and I have no doubt she will love it too!

Sophie the Teething Giraffe

Photo of the Week

This is the 3rd time I have shown a video of Milan in her jumperoo, but she just LOVES it!  She has never been as enthusiastic about jumping as in recent days.