Sunday, April 12, 2009


Our family enjoyed a nice, quiet Easter.  Milan was thrilled with her very first Easter basket which included: a new bunny, 2 little toys, 7 empty, plastic eggs (great for carrying around and throwing on the floor), 1 little t-shirt, 3 books, and a box of animal crackers.  It kept her entertained throughout much of the day.

Later in the day, we put Milan in her little dress and went out for dinner, but not before having a mini-photoshoot on the front porch.  It was windy and cool, and of course Milan was interested in anything but having her picture taken.

A couple of days ago, she figured out how to sit on the step.

And finally, after a couple of weeks of trying, Milan mastered this little trick not long after returning home from our Easter dinner.  This video captures her 2nd successful attempt.  Thankfully I had the camera close by!

We're in trouble now!


Laurie said...

Her hair is getting so long!