Thursday, June 18, 2009

My Little Monkey

I've been feeling a little under the weather lately and as a result, my blog has suffered.  I hope to get back on track this weekend, but in the meantime I thought I would post a few pictures taken over the last two weeks.  Milan is doing really well, getting into things and climbing on EVERYTHING.  Her favorite place to be these days is right on top of the dining room table (this is done every time my back is turned, of course)!

Enjoying her friend Olivia's swingset

Running free at the park.

Her second favorite spot - sitting on top of the coffee table.

She hates brushing her teeth, but loves sucking on her toothbrush!

Caught in the act!

Last night I went to check on her before going to bed and found her like this.  She had somehow managed to pull her shoulder and arm out of her pajama top and then push her leg through the empty sleeve.  I had to run and grab the camera of course!  I was able to pull her leg out of the sleeve and put her arm back through without waking her up which really was miraculous as I was laughing so hard!


Amelia said...

Oh my gosh! Ellie's gotten her arm out, I thought that was pretty funny. But that's hilarious! Wow!! What a talented monkey you have.