Sunday, February 28, 2010

When Toddlers and Vaseline Collide...

She had her back to me as she quietly played on the floor of her room. She seemed so engrossed in play, I decided to take the opportunity to visit a few of my favorite online places. A couple of minutes later when I went to check on her, she turned around and that is when I realized she wasn't playing with a toy, she was smearing Vaseline all over her hair, face and hands (trust me, the pictures don't really do it justice). Do you have any idea how difficult it is to get Vaseline out of hair???? Try 9 consecutive hair washings, and I actually think she could use one more...

In Paloma news, she smiled her first official smile two days cute! She turned 6 weeks old on Thursday, her awake times are becoming longer and more frequent.

Singing "If You're Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hands"

Still Singing

Showing off her bracelet

Sorry if the pictures seem redundant, but I'm way behind on getting photos to my family, and Grandma just happens to be a scrapbooker...

Love this face

Trying to capture her smile on camera

Talking on the phone


Amelia said...

Oh, both your girls are just so beautiful!!!! Congratulations on the "new" baby :) I've been slacking on my blog reading. Love the Vaseline hair *lol*