Sunday, August 15, 2010

7 Months - Part One

Yesterday Paloma turned 7 months old. As we do each month, we began our monthly photo shoot, however, it wasn't long before I realized this time was going to be much different. Paloma was so busy looking at everything...she wouldn't cooperate at all.

Wow...look at the grass...

It feels really neat.

Let me poke it with my finger.

Absolutely fascinating

No way am I going to look towards my Mommy, this is just too interesting.

What's chirping over there?

Oops, my Mommy caught me looking.

Those are really neat cars!

Is that a squirrel I see over there?

I think I see an ant on the blanket.

That bush is really pretty.

What is Milan doing over there?

I really like the leaves on the trees.

I think I feel like touching the grass again...

Paloma are you kidding me? I've been trying to get a picture of you for the last half hour and when Milan swoops in with her Elmo camera you decide to look up???