Sunday, December 5, 2010

Paloma Belle a.k.a. The Wrecker

My little Paloma doesn't like things to be neat and tidy.  It bothers her so much that whenever she sees things organized, she does whatever she can to quickly remedy the situation.

It starts off innocently enough, casually crawling over to an area and pulling something off of a shelf or a table.....just to look at it.

Before you know it, there are just a few more things on the floor.

That's when it's like she KNOWS she shouldn't be doing this, so she pauses long enough to give you a cute little look or smile (also known as the distraction technique).

And then...

BAM!  Everything within arms reach is on the floor.

But look at that face.  Sigh.  Love.  Go ahead honey, tear up the house.