Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Nighttime Adventures

Milan has been in her toddler bed for four months now, and things have been relatively quiet...until the last few weeks.  She has taken to playing when she should be sleeping.  If I hear her, I will go in and put an end to her after-hours party, but many times, I don't hear her and when I go in to check on her before I go to bed, I discover this.....

It's pretty funny to find all of the things Milan has decided to bring into bed with her.  This particular evening her bed was FULL.  In addition to the 3 stuffed animals she always sleeps with, I found - 7 books, a pair of slippers, two baby dolls, her princess doll, a purse, and 13 items from her Little People playsets. 

As I peeled back the covers, I kept finding more and more toys.  It's a miracle she was able to fall asleep at all!  I tried to take pictures, but they really don't show just how many things she had in her bed.  The pictures are out of focus - the room was very dark and I was shaking because I was trying not to laugh. :)

Two or three times a week, this is what I find.  It's so cute, I really look forward to checking on her and discovering what she was into that night.  These are moments I treasure, and I will be really sad when one day, they come to an end.