Thursday, July 14, 2011

Eighteen Months Old

Paloma had her 18 month well check today, and is doing great!  21 lbs - 11th percentile and 2 ft, 8 inches - 70th percentile.  She continues to say new words on a daily basis.  Loves to play with her babies and balls.  Her current obsessions are: Elmo, apples, and books.  She loves to draw and be read to.  She is beginning to watch Sesame Street.  She adores Milan and constantly asks for her when she is away.  She dislikes having her teeth brushed, but tolerates getting her hair combed.  She LOVES to play outside.  She continues to sleep well at nap time and through the night.  Compared to Milan, she is much fussier and at times can be very clingy, but she also likes to cuddle more than Milan did.  She is a climber and right now, I can't take my eyes off of her...not even for a second.  She's a sweet little girl and I just adore her!