For Milan's 5 month EARLY birthday present, we bought her a Rainforest Jumperoo. Before deciding to buy it for her, we had heard only rave reviews about the Jumperoo. The babies love it, they spend 30-45 minutes at a time TOTALLY entertained by it, it makes them laugh and giggle, etc. Let me tell you, James and I were SO excited to buy one for Milan. We fantasized about the rewarding giggles and coos we would receive once she sat in it... The good news is that unlike everything else we have ever bought for her, Milan does NOT hate it! We are still waiting for all of those promised coos and giggles, but she does seem a bit amused by it. We've even seen a few SMILES! These are her usual expressions:

This week we enjoyed a few warm spring days. Milan really enjoyed the outdoors and and seeing all the sights it had to offer. She was especially interested in the trees and the sky.

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