Sunday, October 5, 2008

Week 44 - A Visit to Gymboree

After making it through a nearly week-long illness (Milan had a fever for 5 days), she seemed to feel better just in time for a previously scheduled visit to Gymboree. I've heard a lot about the place and with cooler weather setting in, I thought it might be just the thing for Milan and I to participate in, once we are no longer able to spend a lot of time outdoors. Gymboree allows for a free session before joining, so we signed up for a "play and learn" class specifically geared towards 10-16 month olds. Milan loved it! There were all kinds of ramps, mats, tunnels, and plenty of places for her to practice pulling up on. We played with balls, sang songs, played with bubbles, as well as participating in a few games which involved playing with a parachute. It was really nice to allow her the opportunity to explore to her hearts content without having to remove her from certain places or things. Please excuse the blurry photos, my assistant (who shall go unnamed) was having a bit of difficulty working the camera). :)

Photos of the Week