Monday, October 20, 2008

Week 46 - The Little Big Girl

Once again, I'm amazed at how quickly Milan is growing and changing. She waves "Bye Bye" and the last couple of days sounds like she is trying to say it too! She routinely says "Da Da" and occasionally says "Ma Ma" (what's up with that?) She is walking around furniture and can stand for several seconds without assistance. I think one of my favorite changes is it seems she is beginning to develop a sense of humor! Before, whenever I would act silly, she would stare at me like I was from another planet, but lately she has started to giggle!

A couple of weeks ago Milan began saying "MMMmmm" before and after each bite of food. It finally dawned on me that she has learned it from me! For as long as I've been feeding her solid food, I've always made the "MMMmmm" sounds, as if I need to convince her of the delicious baby food I'm about ready to spoon into her mouth. I've noticed too she has begun to say "MMMmmm" whenever she sees food!

Speaking of food, she is definitely turning her nose to baby food and eagerly eating "people " food. I'm hoping she will continue to humor me for a bit longer so that I can empty my cupboards of the remaining jars.

The last few weeks we've enjoyed taking walks in the local park. It is so beautiful this time of year! Milan really seems to enjoy it!

Photo of the Week


McLeodx5 said...

those are amazing pics of daddy and baby. isn't it sad (yet awesome) how quickly they grow?