Sunday, February 1, 2009

Love Affair

Milan has fallen in love.  It's an intense relationship that has taken us all by surprise.  The object of her affection?

The kitchen trash can!

The relationship seemed to develop overnight.  I didn't even know she was aware of its existence until the day I went to throw something away and noticed one of our television remotes inside.  It was then I learned of the intensity of her feelings.....

At first, she was only interested in throwing things in, but unfortunately it wasn't too long before she realized there were really neat things to pull out.....


It's become an obsession.  It's nearly impossible to keep her away from it.  Its a battle I fight everyday, all day.....

A couple of weeks ago, James realized we were missing  a rather expensive software application.  Almost immediately, I had  a sinking feeling...wondering if Milan had thrown it away.  Fortunately,  James remembered that he had loaned it out to a friend and it had not yet been returned.  Phew, that was a close one!  Still, nothing is safe.  I've retrieved many things from the trash can - remotes, books, toys, shoes, socks, bottles, cups, dvds...the list goes on and on.

To be continued.....


Amelia said...

This is hilarious! They're so funny. I, too, realized this weekend that the difference between dog-proofing and baby-proofing is that eventually the baby learns how to open the lid. Fortunately Ellie hasn't start putting things in the trash yet. Or pulling them out. Not sure which is worse!

McLeodx5 said...

OMG, makky *tries* to do the same thing! i'm usually in the kitchen with her (or gavin is) so we haven't had any major mishaps yet, but i'm sure it's coming. HILARIOUS!!!!!