Monday, September 1, 2008

Week 39 - Learning

These days Milan accomplishes something new nearly every day. This week alone Milan made the "dada" sound for the very first time, pulled herself up to her knees, waved "bye bye" (with our urging), AND finally discovered how to put a cheerio in her mouth. I've noticed she is beginning to know the meanings of certain words. For example, she seems to understand what the word bottle means.

Every night before I give her final bottle of the day, we read "Goodnight Moon" in the rocking chair. Recently, when reading the final two pages of the book, she makes a little panting noise like she KNOWS what is coming next...the bottle. Milan is also starting to exhibit stranger anxiety. It doesn't happen every time, but when it does, she wants NOTHING to do with anyone other than James and I. It kind of feels good to know that after all of these months she knows us and wants us, however, I really don't want my baby to feel anxiety of any kind.

Photo of the Week

Her "dada" sound...


McLeodx5 said...

your pictures are're a natural photographer! and it helps to have such a gorgeous baby to photograph. :)