Sunday, September 7, 2008

Week 40 - A Storm is Coming...

It seems like in the blink of an eye, Milan began to "officially" crawl, leading to her "officially" getting into things.   My little hurricane of a daughter can destroy her room in a matter of seconds.  It used to be just her toys (and the toys in her crib), but this week Milan discovered the books in her bookcase and enjoys pulling them off the shelves several times a day.  It seems she is drawn to anything and everything she shouldn't be - closet doors, the radiator, outlets, extension cords, etc.  She is trying to pull up, but so far only semi-successfully - she can pull up to her knees.  I give her a week, possibly two before she figures out how to pull herself to a standing position.  Needless to say, we have a lot of baby-proofing to do and we need to do it quickly!

Photo of the Week

She is so close to figuring out how to leave her room...

Finding the way out of her room for the very first time...

We're in trouble now!