Sunday, July 13, 2008

Week 32 - Sleep Overs, Hair Clips and My Daddy the Rock Star!

Hi everyone, this is Milan!  I wanted to tell you about the really neat weekend I had.  Mommy and Daddy went to Oklahoma so my Daddy could play in the rock festival called Rocklahoma.  I wanted to go, but Mommy said I was too little and instead found a really neat place for me to go.  I stayed with our friends Marty, Meredith, and Ellie Molloy.  I had so much fun, I nearly forgot that my Mommy and Daddy were away for the first time since I was born.  Ellie and I went to a playground where I played on a baby swing for the very first time.  I loved it!!!  My Mommy never put me on a swing before and I hope she does really soon.  On Saturday Meredith left to visit some friends so Uncle Kevin came over to help Marty watch Ellie and me.  It was a fun weekend and I loved having an older sister.  I was really happy when Mommy came home although it was a little annoying because she wouldn't stop kissing me.  I hope one day Mommy and Daddy will take me to Rocklahoma, but Daddy says the only place I'm going is a school for nuns in Antartica.

Ellie and me

These are pictures of my Daddy performing with his band, Mariah, at Rocklahoma.

Last week Mommy said I finally had enough hair and ordered my very first hair accessories!  So far I haven't figured out how to pull them out of my hair which makes Mommy very happy.  She keeps telling me how adorable I look.

Photo of the Week

Mommy thinks I'm close to having a tooth break through because I'm drooling and chewing on my fingers a lot.  Watch how well I'm sitting up, I've been practicing!  Don't you love my new hair clip?  This one is my favorite.


McLeodx5 said...

omg, she is sooooo cute. i know i say that all the time, but she really is. and how cool that you're married to an ex-rocker. i'm glad to see that milan did well without you. :)