Monday, July 21, 2008

Week 33 - Beating the Summer Heat

So far, this summer has been very warm and humid.  Not the kind of weather a baby and her Mommy want to hang out in, but in recent weeks, Milan and I have started going outdoors in the early morning hours before it begins to feel too uncomfortable.  Sometime during the hours of 6:30 and 8 a.m., you will find us outside -  playing on the front porch in her little exersaucer, enjoying an early morning photo shoot, and/or going to the local park for a walk.  The morning walks are really nice, other than a handful of people walking their dogs, we have the park to ourselves.  We used to just travel along the walking trail, but thanks to Marty and Meredith, I now know my little baby loves to swing.  So after we have walked around the park once or twice, we stop by the playground and swing.

Photo of the Week


McLeodx5 said...

you have an UBER cute thumbsucker! i love your weekly pictures...she is soooo dang cute!